So many things to do on our last full day in the country! One of them is to finally publish this blog I've been telling everyone about. I'm hoping it will be a useful tool for Mike and me to stay connected with all of the wonderful people we have collected (and will collect) around the world. Here, we can post our photos and thoughts about everything we experience.
We leave tomorrow for Istanbul, where we will have about 2 weeks to sight see and settle in before we begin our CELTA course on October 6th. CELTA stands for the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults. It's given by Cambridge University, so it's very well recognized around the world. We're taking the course part-time, on Tuesdays and Fridays. We're hoping we can find some part-time teaching work while we take the course, so it will be an easier transition to full-time teaching when we complete our course in December. More on that bridge when it's time to cross it!
I think this is going to be a rewarding adventure for us. Mike and I are both interested in teaching careers, and we both want to spend some time living abroad before we get tied down here. I feel lucky to travel with such a solid partner in both work and play. And to have such fabulous friends and family. Thank you to everyone who has offered travel advice, moving help, reading suggestions, professional opportunities, Turkey contacts, well wishes, and more. We go confidently because we know we are supported by our community. I hope you will check in with us now and then to see how it has all paid off!
Thanks for reading,
Eleanor (and Mike)